Seen 5 : The Before Trilogy


1. Before Sunrise (1995) –  – This one’s just okay. Liberal. Dreamy. So so. 2. Before Sunset (2004) –  – Among the three, this one is my favorite. IMHO, it’s a thousand times better than Before Sunrise. Or maybe it’s just because “second chances” and “the one that got away” always get me. This movie swept me away! 3. Before Midnight (2013) – – This. is. how. love. stories. should. be. done. Complicated and ugly and messy and enduring and beautiful!

“Like sunlight, sunset, anything so ephemeral. Just like our life. We appear and we disappear. And we are so important to some, but we are just passing through.” Before Midnight

Seen 5 : The Before Trilogy